
Katherine Bickford Vigly

Company Dancer

Name: Katherine Bickford Vigly

Company Position:  Company Artist

Joined Ballet RI:  In 2015 as a trainee. Promoted to Apprentice in 2017 and Company in 2019.

Hometown: Miami, FL / Fryeburg, ME

Training/Education: Dance Empire, Portland School of Ballet, Canada’s National Ballet School, B.S. in Ecology and Environmental Science from the University of Maine

 Favorite Quote:

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

But also:

“I hate quotations.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Favorite Role or Ballet & Why:  

Yikes, it is very hard to choose… and it is always changing. My most recent favorite was dancing the solo girl in Katarzyna Kozielska’s ‘Ode’. It was a role that I felt I could keep dancing forever because I felt so present and myself in it. My mind never wanted to wander; I was fully able to enjoy getting lost in the moment while dancing it.

 Accomplishment you are most proud of:  Making a career as a professional dancer.

Fun Fact about yourself:  I like learning about insects and how they shape our world. Bombus perplexus is my favorite.

Follow Katherine on Instagram @kjjbickford