
Corinne Mulcahy


Name:  Corinne Mulcahy

Company Position:  Apprentice

Joined Ballet RI:  Joined Ballet RI in 2022 as a Junior Apprentice. Promoted to Apprentice in 2023.

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Training/Education: The School of Philadelphia Ballet

Favorite Quote: “They say love is the best investment; the more you give, the more you get in return.“ – Audrey Hepburn

Favorite Role or Ballet & Why: My favorite role with Ballet RI has been Bluebird in Yury Yanowski’s Beauty Awakened, as it allowed me to challenge my technique while enjoying the entire process. With Philadelphia Ballet II, I danced as Aurora and Snow White, embracing the opportunity to delve into these character roles and discover nuanced ways to bring their stories to life.

Accomplishment you are most proud of:  I am most proud of my ability to balance multiple areas of life while continually achieving personal growth in each one.

Fun Fact about yourself:  I am working toward my Bachelor’s in Data Analytics and Psychological Sciences at UPenn.

Follow Corinne on Instagram @corinnemulcahyy